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We provide atmospheric effects for TV and film productions, ensuring that any day can reflect the weather conditions that Directors want.

Our team of skilled technicians create lifelike weather conditions using specialised equipment. Whether the scene calls for gentle rain or a blustering wind, steamy ambiances or dense fog, we have the technology to bring these elements to life!

RealSFX - Gallery 03
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Smoke Effects

We can provide everything from subtle interior mists generated by water-based smoke machines, to large-scale smoke environments capable of enveloping large outdoor areas like a football pitch.

Our equipment is designed to be safe and effective, providing a controlled environment that enhances storytelling without compromising on health and safety.

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Wind Effects

At RealFSX, we have a one of a kind wind machine. This machine was originally designed for putting out fires and was used by the Fire Service until it came to Real SFX.

Real SFX have adapted it for film making purposes. It is a highly versatile wind machine that is able to create, in addition to wind, mist and snow. It can also be used for extraction in large areas. It is able to pivot 360 degrees from its standing position electronically, and can be raised up to an impressive height of 4 metres.

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Snow Effects

Our solutions include creating detailed, textured snow scenes that feel authentically wintry, no matter the actual season. The snow effects are built to meet the specific demands of the production, ensuring that every flake and drift adds to the desired conditions on screen.

Work with us!

By using our atmospheric effects, productions can bring audiences closer to the action. Contact us today for a chat about your atmospheric needs!